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Engine external parts
The best way to positively identify which type of engine block you have is by noting the raised numbers cast into the block on the left side at the front just below the tappet chest opening.
The numbers for original TD & TF blocks are as follows:
24146 XPAG TC, early TD & Y blocks with MG cast on the left side, 2 bolts for the oil filter clamp and oval water holes. 24445 XPAG Later TD & Y blocks with MG cast on the left side, 3 bolts for the oil filter clamp and oval water holes. From engine Nos TD2/214224 and SC2/17299 these blocks were fitted with the oil pump with integral oil filter. 16842 XPAG final TD spec., all TF1250, late Y and XPAW Wolseley 4/44 blocks with round water holes. AEF117 XPEG TF1500 block. This is the only positive way to prove that you have an original XPEG engine.
Sump & fittings:
Early TDs were fitted with a flat bottomed unfinned sump of 5.1 iltres capacity. Engine to No 7575 were fitted with the oil pick-up on the left hand side of the sump but after problems with oil starvation on left hand corners this was altered to a pick-up in the centre of the sump. Later TDs were fitted with the larger 5.96 litres, capacity finned sump fitted to all TFs and the pick-up evenutally changed to the type with the aluminium extension collecting oil from the front of the sump. The factory parts list is confusing on the exact change point but the first engines with the large sump were fitted with the earlier pick-up
Engine external parts
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